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Friday, September 09, 2005

boys will be old boys

Last night was SACS High School annual old boys' dinner and we had a table from the class of 1997. It was amazing to see everyone after 8 years and seeing how different people had aged differently. Interesting to see who had gotten fat, old, thin, bald, rich, eccentric and thinking back to how we all were as children. The dinner is always a good platform to see how well you're doing. I seem to be doing fine except I should have a house by now... but otherwise i'm keeping pace.
Interesting fact, SACS gets R80 000 a year from the government to run the school (USD13 000), it raises R10 000 000 from school fees which is what it needs to run the school. I feel sorry for the other schools that can't afford to run their schools as the government clearly isn't lending enough support. I'm just glad I'm an old boy and not a new boy.

currently reading: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - Richard Carlson


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