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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

into the grind - life must go on

am getting bogged down by report writing, can't handle it any more. *sigh* its difficult with no data!!

the weekend was good though, another trip to Clifton 4th beach which is trying to get its International Blue flag beach status. Crowded as usual.

Had interesting gig as MC at my uncles 25th wedding anniversary. Sense of humour a bit dry for an MC, need to work on that.

Am still getting through : The God of Small Things - Arundhati Roy, I am determined to get through this book, the book that so many great minds were not able to endure. Just passed the middle now, and am finding it enjoyable. Definitely a reminder of how we as children perceive things, the small things!

Parcel from China FINALLY arrived with 100's of DVD's. Included is Jean Claude Van Damme's "WAKE OF DEATH" a wonderful tale of revenge and lost innocence set in CAPE TOWN and featuring our own Chinese community. Look out for Allen , the tall China basketball guy as a Gangsta, watch out for Uncle Ming as a Chinese asylum seeker. See Quinton Chong get demolished by JC VD. Watch as his older brother Winston also gets destroyed by a visibly aging Jean Claude! Because it wasn't released to the big screen I have a feeling most of us missed out on this classic.

House sitting for 3 weeks while uncle Les and aunt Val and Keri-Mei visit Australia for a wedding in Sydney, they'll be seeing friends in Melbourne too. This moves me 3-5 minutes closer to work, can sleep 5 minutes longer.

gonna start playing tennis next week for sure!


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