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Thursday, September 22, 2005

Back at UCT

Its good to be back at UCT, seeing many familiar faces along the way. Today in the space of 15 minutes, I bumped into 5 people I knew. One of them a girl I chatted to once or twice 5 years ago, but the little grin we exchanged made my day :P

Last night a bum wanted money for coffee. I thought that was strange. Why not ask for money for something more necessary. Its strange.

Today a woman called me to open an account with their bank, but her telephone manner was not the greatest, she would say "WHAT??" whenever I asked a question and she couldn't hear clearly... so bad.

Am enjoying the environment in which I'm working. Seems everybody likes information and there are articles of interest pinned up on communal notice boards on a daily basis discussing things like petrol prices, Kyoto, the world green economy, jokes and funny stories, biogas etc... its cool.

My colleague told me about his girlfriend who has another boyfriend. he asked what would I do? haha. What a playa (the girlfriend) anyways, he's told her she's stupid and that its over. Tough question, what do you do if you have a bf / gf with another gf / bf???

Too many birthdays in September... September - gestation period = festive season. In the space of 5 days I've become aware of 7+ people celebrating birthdays!!! Birthday in September = less presents.


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