Factoids - Energy News - Climate Change - Me

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Have fallen into a lull of routine and repetition. Everyday seems the same now and I crave something different. Coupled by the fact that I feel I'm being underpaid my minds been working a little more in trying to figure out a way to deal with this. Have contemplated escaping back to China for these few months preceding February. It would be Beijing this time.
Next week am off to Knysna and Oudtshoorn for work, two famous South African holiday towns, Knysna for its coastal charm and beauty, it's oyster farm and for being SA's favourite holiday city. Oudtshoorn is famous for having ostrich farms. Am REALLY dreading the work though as it seems overwhelming. I'm envisioning counting street lights, 1000's of them as part of an energy saving project. 1...2...3...4...5...6....... ........ 1...2....3....4... oh gees, off to Beijing!
About being underpaid, I tell myself, i'm not here for the money etc, but I'm getting less exposure than I thought and the intermittent conversations regarding the state of the world leaves one feeling depressed and makes things seem more hopeless. Its VERY depressing looking at stats on how much emmissions are being created by this, by that, by everything basically. Heard about a new car yesterday that has solar panels on its roof which produce electricity to electrolyse water and for Hydrogen and Oxygen, the Hydrogen fuels the fuel cells which run the car producing more water which goes back to be electrolysed from the solar panels. it's still a prototype science car though.

I feel Mandela is going to die soon, will be interesting to see what happens when he does. Need to get out of this lull!!!


Blogger Akira said...

Jeez dude, perhaps you should rename the post Morbid & Depressing :p

Yes, it's sad when they world appears so... sad. Like the poverty around us in SA.

3:53 pm


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