Factoids - Energy News - Climate Change - Me

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

no fish caught off to scotland

Got back from the work / fishing trip on Friday. Thanks to the job, was able to see most of Knysna and Oudtshoorn, do a bit of fishing, have great breakfast every morning and also go to a wildlife conservation park. The wildlife park was a treat from the municipal guy we worked with that got us in for free. Beautiful animals all really well cared for, a change from Shanghai zoo where all the animals seemed a bit sad. Saw the lions shagging again, once again it didn't last a minute before the lioness walked off leaving the male looking very sheepish. There were a lot of comments from the women in the tour group, no comments from the guys. funny.

Anyways, next week Thursday will be going to Edinburgh to see Ji-Hye, she has 2 days off and am going for a week and a half. Should be great although heard its a bit cold that side. Flying to Glasgow which is an hour by train from Edinburgh. am excited and from other people that have been there, it sounds like its going to be fun. yipyip. Thats using most of my leave up, but this jobs just til Feb, so I'll have uni holidays once again. great!

Saw the movie "Crash" on Saturday. Didn't know what it was about before seeing it, but was very impressed by the range of racism it covered and that it wasn't afraid to just show it like it is or how everyone is thinking most of the time anyways. Strong cast with actors playing roles different to the normal hollywood movies they ordinarily appear in.

Still reading the Piano Tuner and also The Handbook of Energy Engineering.


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